Over 50? Keeping Up With Your Healthcare Needs

Over 50? Keeping Up With Your Healthcare Needs

  • Is Your Cold Becoming A Sinus Infection? An Urgent Care Clinic Can Help.

    A cold can seem to drag on forever, each day bringing a new dose of misery with a congested nose, headache, and more. But how do you tell when your head cold has morphed into a sinus infection? And what do you do to treat it? Cold Vs. Sinus Infection Colds and sinus infections (sinusitis) share a number of symptoms, including coughing, sneezing, fatigue, a sore throat and a runny or stuffy nose.

  • Want Clear Skin? Get It With One Of These Three Homemade Skin Masks

    Clear skin isn't always something that you are born with. Many people have to work at making their skin look as flawless as Hollywood stars. Luckily for you, if you suffer from acne and blotchy skin, you don't have to look any further than your kitchen cupboards. Don't waste away the days longing for clear skin, create homemade masks and make your dream a reality. Lemon Juice And Tomato Mask

  • How To Transition From Independent Living To Nursing Home Care

    If your loved one can no longer live independently, he or she may choose to live in a nursing home. However, it may bring about changes and challenges your family didn't expect to experience during the transition. These changes and challenges may include following a daily schedule instead of his or her own schedule. In addition, your loved one may not have the option of going out whenever he or she wants.

  • Curiouser And Curiouser: Alice In Wonderland Syndrome Is Real

    Has your child been complaining of what seem to be some curious symptoms lately? Children experiencing a rare neurological phenomenon called Alice in Wonderland Syndrome perceive their body and surroundings to be drastically out of proportion to reality. This can create anxiety for children, and worry for parents as both wonder what has gone wrong. If your child is going through this experience, know that for most patients the symptoms are temporary and benign.

  • 2 Reasons To Take Advantage Of Home Care Assistance

    Home care assistance is a great service to take advantage of if you or a loved one needs medical care at home. Home care assistance can bring you peace of mind with versatile options.  Peace of Mind One of the hardest parts about having a loved one who is ill enough that he or she cannot really leave the home is wondering what will happen if you cannot be there all the time.

  • 2024© Over 50? Keeping Up With Your Healthcare Needs
    About Me
    Over 50? Keeping Up With Your Healthcare Needs

    As an adult in my 50s, I find that my body isn't as strong as it used to be. But I don't let that stop me from enjoying life! In fact, I make every effort to get the treatments I need from my doctor to improve my health. I know that I'm not a senior yet, but I do all I can to prevent the health problems that affect that age group. Because of this, I put together a health blog for people over age 50. My blog isn't a review of what you can easily find on the Internet. It's a plethora of unique information designed to help you find the services you need fast. What my blog doesn't do is tell you what to do for your health. Instead, it offers guidance and options. Please, enjoy the blog and happy reading.
