3 Ways To Ease Painful Periods
Although menstrual cramps are common, some women experience moderate to severe pain during their period causing significant disruptions in their life. Generally, you can find ways to reduce painful periods and make it easier to go back to your normal routine. Try Multiple Pain Control Methods You may find you are better able to ease your period pain if you tackle it in different ways. When taking over-the-counter pain relievers, alternating between ibuprofen or naproxen and acetaminophen works somewhat better than just sticking with a single pain-relief pill.
Was Your Husband Diagnosed With Prediabetes? 3 Tips To Help Him With His Weight Loss Journey
A prediabetes diagnosis means that your husband's blood sugar level is higher than what is considered normal, yet he has not yet passed the line into having full-blown diabetes. While it is always troubling to receive negative news after a health screening, there is still time for your husband to halt the condition from progressing. Healthy lifestyle changes are typically recommended following a prediabetes diagnosis, and you can use these tips to help your husband stay on track with his plan to lose weight.
What Do Surgeons Consider When Classifying A Procedure As Reconstructive Or Medical?
Reconstructive and medically necessary plastic surgery often faces a hurdle when it comes to how an insurance company might classify the procedure. It's fairly well known that insurance companies often won't pay for cosmetic procedures and that doctors need to show that something is reconstructive or medically necessary to get coverage. Patients should know where the dividing line is between cosmetic and medical procedures to get a better sense of how their insurance company might see a particular procedure.
A Total Knee Replacement Might Be The Next Step In Treating Your Arthritis Pain And Stiffness
If you have arthritis in your knee and none of the treatments your doctor has tried help relieve pain or increase mobility, then it may be time to talk to an orthopaedic surgeon about knee replacement surgery. Surgery can potentially make a big difference in how well you can walk and how much pain you experience. Here's a look at when the surgery might be needed and what the procedure entails.
Two Tips For New Parents Before Baby Arrives
Having a baby is one of the most special experiences you will ever go through. For first time parents, it can also be very overwhelming. Luckily, there are lots of things that you can do before the baby arrives to ease some of the worries and stress. By working with your obstetrician and partner, you can create a solid birth plan that you are comfortable with. This guide goes over some of the things that soon-to-be parents can do to prepare for a new baby.