Nellie Ryan
There are many, many treatments for glaucoma. This can sometimes cause confusion for people who need care for their glaucoma and its symptoms. You can have medication, surgery, or a combination of both. Don't fall into the trap of thinking there's only one option available to you.
Not All Glaucoma Is the Same
The reason for so many different glaucoma treatments is the many different types of glaucoma. Many people think of glaucoma as a single thing, but it's actually a word that describes a group of eye diseases.
Generally, glaucoma involves pressure from fluid in the eye causing damage to the optic nerve. That in turn can lead to slow vision loss, and even permanent blindness. There are two main categories of glaucoma.
But these terms are also umbrella terms that can cover several other types of glaucoma. Because of the variables, you may need different types of treatments than someone else with a similar issue.
When Is Medication Appropriate?
Early detection of glaucoma typically necessitates the use of medication to keep it from developing further. The main role of medication is to keep the intraocular pressure down. It will either serve to:
To that end, you may receive a prescription for a series of medicated eyedrops to assist with that.
Since these are medications, they can cause side effects for some. They may also cause complications if you're taking other medications for any reason. You may also receive pills that can help the eyedrops do their job. In best case scenarios, taking the medication can keep the pressure down, which will keep your eye from taking any permanent damage.
Medication also comes into play for post-glaucoma surgery. However, there are various types of surgeries and also many variables concerning post-surgery medication procedures.
When Is Surgery Appropriate?
Many scenarios exist that make glaucoma surgery necessary.
You may request surgery yourself if you find the medication routine to be too demanding. There are various types of glaucoma surgeries. In general, the two main types include:
Laser surgery – There are various laser techniques, and typically, laser surgery is the first surgical suggestion. Usually, if laser surgery isn't an option, the doctor will recommend conventional surgery.
Conventional surgery – This is the type of surgery that involves incisions. In most cases, you will need the trabeculectomy procedure.
There are other types of glaucoma surgeries besides these two. But this isn't anything that should overly concern you. Your eye doctor will recommend the best surgical route you should take for your glaucoma.
Talk About Your Options with Your Eye Doctor
Everybody's different, and your glaucoma treatments may not mirror anybody else's. Knowing the options out there will help you understand why your eye doctor may want you to go one route when you feel you want a different type of treatment.
For more information and options, talk with an eye doctor, such as those at Leader Heights Eye Center, about the different glaucoma treatments.
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